
Our Story

How our journey begins..

We started finding out more about pet health back in 2018, as a first-time pet owner with knowledge about any backyard breeding nor are we in any of the dogs community groups in Singapore, we got our Frenchie at a pet shop that happens to be breeding their own animals. Wangcai is born with one of the owner's dog + another customer's dog, but they are a licensed pet shop. He came home at 4 months old with mites, yeast infection, constantly having stomach issues, hot spots, food sensitivity reactions, environmental sensitivity and skin rashes.

After many vet visits and switching to different premium quality dry food, including the go-to hypoallergenic diet from the vet's office, he didn't become better. We did the typical environment allergy blood test, and all other remedies the vet has recommended, and we even took 1 shot of cytopoint, which ended up worsening his condition. He got himself in a pool of blood daily from scratching, full body hives and things are pretty out of control. The mom, I, didn't really sleep for days, I researched as much as I could to find out what could be happening to our pup. Ever since, I stopped him from his antihistamines, antibiotics, and everything that the vet gave, I threw it away, every single medication, medicated shampoo, steroid creams, deworm pills, and flea tick medication, all down the rubbish bin!

We came to realize the problem..

We realized that conventional methods are designed for acute care and it is very good for that most of the time. It Is also useful for diagnosis, prognosis, and evaluating response to therapy.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t have a good record for chronic diseases. Conventional methods often just relieve symptoms temporarily. They merely suppressed symptoms, while the cause of the disease would rage on untouched, continuing to destroy tissue and life force at ever deeper and deeper levels.

And these are the things that are actually affecting his immune system. My heart was filled with guilt and pain. Crying for days about why didn't I do enough research before even having him home with us, and now our poor baby is suffering with a big bald hole on his head, red armpits, and groin, body full of hives, red paws on all his 4 legs, fur loss, scabs, dandruff, spots everywhere, rashes on his belly, our poor baby can't really sleep well and has to be on the cone for 24/7 and not able to do any socializing to get his quality of life due to his nursing from all these immune-mediated symptoms.

The healing process..

From the research process, we chanced upon Glacier Peak Holistics Pet Wellness Life Stress Scan (a.k.a food & environment sensitivity test) from the US and we took a leap of faith and did the test. To our shock, he has a lot of red flags in his results! 🙈😖 And following the results, with the help from the holistic pet community out there, we decided to explore a fresh food diet instead after learning about all the greatness of it.

But unfortunately sensitive stomach issues arise. Tried to do cold turkey (taking advice from the raw food companies themselves) to a raw diet but ended up with pooping blood. Luckily with some other help in the pet community here in Singapore, we managed to get him on a cooked diet to stable his poo 1st instead before trying the raw again. The 2nd time of transition was a lot better but towards the end, he still ended up with bloody stools. Hence we got him back to cooked again. And the 3rd time, with the help of another vet who is pro-raw, finally managed to transition into a raw diet that suited him successfully. Finally, after 12 months of intensive food transitioning!

Not only just changing of diet, but we also incorporated many other natural supplements and natural skin remedies as well. With the right diet, suitable supplements, and skin maintenance, our boy's skin issues started to go away and heal.. that is when we knew this was his journey and this is what led us further and deeper into this journey. It is not an easy job for us, and it is not going to be easy for all who are reading this and facing the same itching and crazy skin symptoms. In total, we went through 1year+ of craziness. That period gave us a good learning curve into giving our puppy time patience and lots of care and support and the achievement is totally worth it.

The result is a holistic solution..

I now know that by comparison, when you use alternative/holistic methods, natural therapies nourish the whole body – the mind, body, and spirit – to encourage natural healing mechanisms for health and homeostasis. The allergy-type symptoms go away, it’s because we have altered the course of the disease, and the body no longer needs the symptoms.

You are what you eat and digest. Diet is the foundation for health. Hippocrates uttered 2,500 years ago “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food”. However much of the food reaching our tables these days is grown on soil degraded by years of intense commercial farming and agrochemicals. With nutrients depleted from our soil, environmental contaminations, and high toxicity, high-quality supplementation is highly recommended to have a profound preventive and therapeutic impact to raise our animals to the level of optimum health throughout their lifetime.

Another part of the solution is for pet parents to learn what makes their animals sicker or healthier and to take appropriate actions. Being an educated pet owner is important. The more you recognize what wellness is, the better you can understand illness. Know your animal. Keep up with holistic pet health resources. Become familiar with what health is so that when you see changes you can act promptly considering all the conventional and alternative methods that are available to you.

Our boy's skin problems have been resolved 80%, unless he comes in contact with something he is sensitive to again especially not during our supervision, he would flare again. But our toolbox is always well prepared and we're experienced now in managing such symptoms and usually, his symptoms would be resolved within less than a week without any medications. We only resorted to medication when he got into a super bad bacteria/parasites or something that bad that our toolbox is not able to resolve.

JJ E-Homez Holistic Pet..

We started going deeper, researching and learning as much as we could about pet health, lifestyles, supplementation, nutrition, and many other factors that would impact our pet's quality of life. In fact, we are still learning as of now and we believe we will never stop learning especially when every furkid is very individual on their own, and the lessons that our dear boy gave us are intense and something that money can't achieve.

Well with all the above, this is also why we started this holistic pet store during COVID-19, the pandemic aside, wangcai inspired us to provide alternative solutions to help other pet parents too,  on their concerns by recommending ethical, safe, natural, and premium quality pet products we can trust.

The start of the unfortunate...

Wangcai skin was great ever since we have turn into the natural and holistic path in managing him. I was loading myself on nutrition and helping other animals that crossed paths with me. However, wangcai do has a cascade of other issues, especially the joint conditions.

When symptoms started appearing, Wangcai was 3yrs-ish. We went through an x-ray to find out further about the joint conditions because he was rubbing his thigh/hip area against the floor but there were no walking or running issues at all. Looking at the 1st xray we did, the doctor said there was no problem with the hips spine, and not even the ankles and toes. We found nothing on the joints. However, we did find out that he has an enlarged prostate so the doctor blamed it on the prostate that was enlarged and said it could be hindering his hip area so he is rubbing his thigh/hip.

So I took the advice and tried to shrink the prostate with herbs that were recommended by the vet to see if it helped. About 4 months later, it didn't help and the prostate didn't shrink much. Doc advised to neuter this time round, but because he has no clinical signs of prostate problems so vet advised me to think it through and try another herbal remedy. Because early neuter would have caused more joint problems and many other side effects too, so I wanted more time to seriously think about it, at the same time, I also wanted to try again another herbal remedy to shrink the prostate, if that is the cause of him rubbing the thigh/hip.

But at the back of her mind, she thinks it is the joints hips, or wherever it is that is causing the joint symptoms and not the prostate enlargement issue at all because Wangcai doesn't have issues with urination and no symptoms urgently require to neuter due to medical condition. I think it is the joint. Nevertheless, I respected the vet's professional opinion and try again to do another herb for the prostate. At the same time, I also started giving regular chiropractic sessions and some form of hydrotherapy sessions because I think it is the joint.

Another 3 months passed and the prostate is still not shrinking, but it is also not affecting his whole reproductive system. Zero symptoms. Chiropractic and hydrotherapy sessions have been giving some relief here and there but it is not yet fixing the joint conditions. So I went to the vet again and said it was not the prostate and Dr said it was not the joint and mom was left figuring it out alone.

Well, at that point we should have gone to seek a few more opinions from other vets and even orthopedic vets, but frankly speaking, financially we were struggling due to COVID-19, and my events agency was not able to run a lot of projects, and only online projects, competition on our events agency went from bad to worse. My husband's emcee hosting gigs also halted and could only work on deliveries and transportation like Grab to earn as much as possible as he needed to feed the house. We also started JJ E-Homez Holistic Pet during COVID-19, before all these cascades of issues with Wangcai, managing the cash flow of the old and new business as well as making ends meet on our daily requirements is not easy for us especially when we're bootstrapping our business. Financially and mentally we are drained and thus we were holding back to see if there's a way we could figure out which part of the joint is giving the problems.

The continuing of chiropractic and hydrotherapy sessions also needs to be lessened on the frequency due to our financial constraints, wanted to start Physiotherapy but were also taken aback looking at all the financial going on. So sadly in reality, without much diagnostic done, we actually can only do that much. I just had to continue working harder on my Events agency as well as the new pet store business, while my husband continued to fight for all the emcee gigs he could grab and drive and deliver just for all of us to survive while waiting for the economy to slowly bounce back. So because of everything, I also didn't manage to have time to further research what could be possibly happening to the joint. I was just giving relief and relief at that point.

Unfortunately, wangcai experienced a ccl injury when we daycare him with one of the home sitters. His temperament has always been crazy, due to a fear factor that was inflicted by a trainer when he was still a puppy. Ever since he doesn't have the best temper when seeing another dog or certain objects that he is afraid of. We should have searched for a better trainer back then but damage has been done. And we just gotta managed his temperament since then. So the house sitter doesn't seem to be able to control him or to be more aware of the surroundings and allows him to launch etc thus hurting his hind legs.

We went back to the vet again and couldn't really see much either and the vet just passed it off as some ccl injury. We continued to rest him and give relief whenever we could. He kinda recovered after about 1 week from the injury, but due to our work, plus he can't be home alone due to anxiety, I had to place him in another center for daycare and all these just set off on what's about to come.. too many activities going on, not enough of rest.


The IVDD tragedy...

Multiple relief was given with the best ability, wangcai is 4 years old now and we are really managing just ok on his joint relief and working on our finances. Arguments were inevitable, especially when comes to financials. It just stressed out the entire family, it just happened that period was our downtime. But as calm as we could be so as not to bring stress to wangcai, the tragedy still happened.

One morning, wangcai woke up and was walking weirdly. I thought he injured himself again. My husband who has been part of a group of frenchie ivdd, caught his legs and told me it could be ivdd. I know about ivdd but don't know deep enough. The only thing I knew was to do surgery to relieve the protrusion. Not sure if it was injury or ivdd, we scheduled a vet visit again but this time round was another vet. Sadly when noon came, wangcai weakness worsened and our appointment was at 5pm which was the earliest appointment we could get. Forbidding him from jumping and walking anymore was what I know and of course to get the treatment done asap. I had to send wangcai alone to the appointment as hub has an emcee gig that can't be pushed off. I had to manage everything alone.

Upon reaching the clinic, after a quick assessment, Dr said it was ivdd and had to refer us to the nearest hospital to get treatment. I was lost for words. Dr had called all the hospitals in Singapore but none except for one hospital that could take wangcai in. When Dr revealed the fees to me, I collapsed. Just by the screening CT scan alone is going to cost 9k due to it being Friday after operation hours. The surgery fee itself will cost another 25k+ excluding hospitalization fees and meds. I went blank and could only think of what was going to happen to our finances at the back of my head. Well, I still agreed to bring him over and called a cab. And since we were heading straight to the hospital (we thought we were), the clinic didn't dispense any pain meds. By that time wangcai hind legs are already shivering. We got into the cab, and for one moment I was looking at wangcai hoping for some answers. Wangcai was terrified and I didn't know how to react and didn't know where to get the money on the spot if we went ahead. I had no reaction time at all. Suddenly I turned the cab back home because I did not have the solution for my admission to the hospital, and with my blank mind, I went home forgetting about the medication support.

When I reached home, I dug out all the pain relief for wangcai, and I called every hospital I could to see if I could schedule an operation for me tomorrow hoping to bring the cost lower to something we could afford without hesitant, I was crying and begging on the phone when at last one surgeon agreed to see him the next day 9am. At that point of time was 9pm, within hours wangcai's leg gave way and he was dragging both his hind legs already. I am praying, crying non-stop, and giving him everything in my toolbox I could find.. When hub finally knocked off and came home, wangcai amd me are mentally drained and depressed.


Sadly in the middle of the night, the pain was unbearable and the commotion started when I wanted to carry wangcai to let him pee, but without knowing anything about first aid emergency management, my ear resulted with a deep bite from wangcai who was in deep pain. My ear was bleeding badly, hub also was not trained in first aid got a few deep punctures on his hand from wangcai when he was trying to break me away from wangcai's bite. We placed him back in the bed, wangcai was stiff with his eyes wide open scared, and in severe pain, I was crying holding my bleeding ears that almost got ripped off, and hub was holding his bleeding hand that got punctured. It was a horror and bloody scene. Everyone was broken down.

I rushed myself to a 24hr clinic nearby to get treated while hub tried to look after wangcai and self-managed his bleeding hand. Luckily no stitching is required and just some bandage for my ear.. when I got home it was already 4am. And seeing wangcai in fits again, we just gotta rush him to the nearest hospital to see what can be done. We decided to wrap him in a blanket so we can use the blanket for protection if bite were to happen again.. luckily with the blanket wrap, we managed to deliver him to the hospital.

Seeing his condition the nurse also helped me to check on her side if any of their surgeons could operate for wangcai but answers can only come by 8am when their surgeons are awake for the day. The appointment with the other clinic was 9am. I had to weighed to see which place could give us the fastest outcome and it was 9am as that had been scheduled, but I still told the current hospital to still check when their surgeons were awake.

Wangcai's pain is now managed by the emergency and is under control. Hub got another emcee gig to work the whole day so once again I am alone, have to make every decision alone with that blank mind. As much as I don't want to move him as much, when the current hospital said their surgeon could only operate on wangcai at 2pm, and the other appointment was scheduled at 9am, I just blindly thought 9am would be a better choice to get the treatment done faster.

Sadly, I was wrong. When we reached 9am we still gotta wait until 10am+ before the surgeon could see wangcai. And to my disappointment, that surgeon after seeing wangcai, initially wanted to reject surgery because he actually had a full day of appointments, and I then realized this was just an appointment to see what could be done and not a surgery appointment. I broke down and cried and started begging that surgeon to do the surgery now.. after begging for about 10min, and the surgeon was finding a solution on how to push away some of his appointments, he agreed to do so but we had to wait as he already had appointments that has arrived the clinic and he has to attend to them. So sadly we could have not moved wangcai and waited for the 2pm surgery instead of moving and still gotta wait for the surgery at this current clinic. But we couldn't turn back anymore, so we could only wait as the nurse get busy getting him prepared for the surgery. The only imaging diagnostics they did before the surgery was only an xray as that was the only imaging facility they had.

This was the 1st time I had an inside view of what goes into the preparation of surgery, the surgery theater as well as the patient. During the preparation, wangcai was on the assessment table in pain but controlled and I was comforting him. There were times I saw wangcai's eyes telling me he was scared and didn't wish to go into surgery. But sitting there, I had no other alternative solutions in my toolbox, I insisted that we listen to the vet this time as I do not have that set of knowledge yet on what else can be done. I kept telling wangcai to believe the vet, be brave and not be afraid. Tears continued to roll down my face and I started to flash back on all the things that she could have done earlier to prevent this episode from happening. I also regretted not staying in the previous hospital to wait for the 2pm surgery, because by the time the surgeon finished his appointments, and with all the necessary surgery preparations, it was already 3+pm. Also, I regret it, because the earlier facility is a hospital-equipped facility with more imaging diagnostics compared to this current clinic which even though has a surgery theater but not well equipped with imaging diagnostics. But all I could do was regret on my decision-making that day with that blank mind.

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Soon it was time for me to leave the preparation room while they shifted wangcai into the theater. We had a last kiss and conversation of assurance and off he went into the surgery. However there was a slight delay due to not having enough credits left on my credit card and the clinic insisted that they could start the surgery only upon full deposit payment. I couldn't reach hub in time for the payment, and fortunately, my friend was there with me and helped me out on the remaining outstanding deposit payment before the surgery finally started at 4pm.

That was the reality that I was facing, no money no movement, regardless of life and death. I merely just needed to get hold of hub to make the transfer for the shortfall and the clinic can't even wait for it and get the surgery started first. Even though it was being settled, I got a taste of what money could have saved or damaged. The reality is a cruel bitch. Hub at last finished his work and rushed down. Paid my friend for the shortfall, calmed me down, and waited for the 4-5hrs surgery to end as we also had to send wangcai to their hospital ward facility for hospitalization until the discharge was allowed. You see why I regretted my selection, not knowing so many things about the facility and services available beforehand.

The surgery ended and was told it was successful it is now up to wangcai to see if he could walk again or be paralyzed on the hind legs as the surgeon's prognosis was just 50% to walk again. So we carefully transported wangcai over to the hospital facility and admitted him for post-surgery observations. After settling down wangcai, we went home to rest after the whole saga.

The next day hospital called me and advised me to bring food over as wangcai did not wish to eat hospital food. I prepared and quickly rushed down to visit and also passed the food. That was day 1 post-surgery. Everything was ok, wangcai is eating well on my food and is awake from his anesthesia. Every aspect looked optimistic and we were also preparing his resting and recovery area when he gets home. Dr says if everything goes well he could be dischargeed wangcai after 2 days to help with our finances. The surgery was already 20+k, hospitalization is charging 2k+ per night. So doctor wanted to lower our cost and suggested early discharge if everything was fine.

So day 1 was ok, day 2 was even better, wangcai was looking brighter than day 1, he continued to eat what I brought and everything looked pretty good for wangcai, and upon doctor's review wangcai could be discharged the next day. We are so happy to hear that and the only thing we need to do is to continue on our end to feed the medication they have prepared. We just had to learn how to feed the medication on behalf. And so day 3 came and Dr had a last look and I learned from the nurse on the medication procedure, and then wangcai was discharged on day 3 evening.


The Death of us...

So wangcai is home, still paralyzed, with lots of medication on hand. And wangcai started wanting to move because he realized he was home and he wanted to be involved, he wanted to be at home and be comfortable. But he couldn't move and eventually gave up moving then. 1st night was hard, mom gotta be awake at certain times to feed the medications but all was good, wangcai just needed to be beside us all the time and that was just how sticky wangcai was and how much we are also dependent on him. They needed each other to survive.

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We all readjusted ourselves with the new rest area where wangcai will sleep with us, and watch over us doing things without moving. The next day came 4th day post-surgery. The morning was still fine with breakfast and all. But when noon came, wangcai started yelping and I started to panic and started figuring out what wangcai needed. The yelping was just random and it should be pain, says the nurse when I called back the hospital regarding his condition. Was told to continue monitoring. But the yelping became more and more frequent as we moved nearer to the evening 5pm, and I also realized the front legs had also gotten weak and eyes were more groggy. I called the hospital again, but the hospital nurse said it was normal as the medication is strong and could make wangcai more groggy and more weak.

But dinner and meals after that became difficult, wangcai started to be unable to eat by himself, even with hand feeding. I think something is wrong and wants to send wangcai back to the hospital at 7+pm but the hospital says to just monitor as it is normal for them to be in pain and disoriented with the strong medications. So I continued monitoring until hub knocks off and is at home together monitoring too. We are on our toes everytime wangcai makes a sound. I continue calling the hospital for hours in the night but no one was able to tell me what might be going on and they can't do anything except for us to continue monitoring. But hey my monitoring threshold is reaching and my gut sense something is not right under my eyes even i am not trained in that manner. I'm just using my gut sense.

And by about 3am on one of wangcai's medication dose, I decided to wake up hub who has been drained out from work and worrying at the same time, we send wangcai back to the hospital again. I argued with the nurse over the phone that I really need wangcai to be looked at and request for doctor etc. But to my shocking, there's no attending doctors around in a 24hrs hospital facility?? I demanded someone to attend to wangcai's condition no matter what, and nurse managed to get the doctor and relayed wangcai condition to him and get his instructions while we are sending wangcai back to the hospital.

Upon arriving the hospital, instructions has been given by his operating surgeon, and the nurse took over wangcai and started to give him a stronger pain killer and wangcai started to calm down. We were instructed to come in the noon where the surgeon will meet us to go over wangcai's conditions.

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So we left as I once again needed to prepare food for the hospital to feed and hub also needed to head home get freshen up for another work day. Never would we thought that was the last trip we are sending wangcai to and that was the last meal I was preparing for. The appointment with the surgeon was 2pm. But I wanted to deliver the food earlier so wangcai could have his medicine on time, so I went back to the hospital at around 1230pm. It is a busy day in the hospital with situations happening around and all..

I passed the food to the nurse and sat beside wangcai's cubicle to accompany and watch him.. to my shocking, wangcai seemed to be having difficulty breathing and questioned the nurse, and was told just now the oxygen was faulty blah blah blah but it is now back up and they're monitoring wangcai blah blah blah... I started crying again, and hating myself, and continued to sit there watching wangcai while nurses got busy with what they supposedly had to. But I had a bad feeling. Hub was rushing down after knowing that he seemed to be in critical.

Wangcai caught a short glimpse of me, and suddenly I saw a seizure episode infront of my eyes, after 2 sec wangcai stopped breathing, and I went crazy grabbing nurses and shouting at the top of my lungs asking for help. Nurses carried wangcai on the table and the attending nurse pushed me out and shouted "Code blue, CPR now" to the nurses. The door closes in front of me. I broke down, falling to the ground, shouting and crying.

After 2-3min or so, the vet came out and hold me and said he was sorry, wangcai came back for a few seconds took a look at everyone on the table, and passed on. While hub was rushing down, I was alone, shocked, helpless, no longer in a clear state of mind, I felt like dying, the entire sky had fallen upon me. I can't breathe, a piercing pain stabbed my heart, crying my heart out on the floor looking at the icu door that they're forbidding me to enter. I lost everything, even myself. It was the worst day of my life. My asthma attacked as well. In the meantime, hub was having a mini commotion at the parking space with some unreasonable un-compassionate non-pet lover. At last hub arrived beside me holding me together and bursting into tears. As the man, the only pillar in the family, he had to swallow as much as possible, and be as composed still, but inside his world was totally upside down, he was in so much pain but he needed to be strong for me.

Our world came to an end. The lost of wangcai shocked us and we could not believe seeing him motionless when the nurse carried him out to the silent room where they allowed us to hold him and stay there while we processed the fact that he has left us alone and we need to make cremation arrangements for him. The operating surgeon came and said sorry that this had to happen and blah blah blah.. and explained that wangcai had complications from the surgery.

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Nothing, nothing is going in our heads at all, nothing they say is going give us back our wangcai. Surgeon explained that this is a myelopathy that he has escalated from the surgery. There were a thousand whys in our heads, but at that moment we couldn't process any why, we just wanted to spend time holding him and saying we were sorry. Hub made the best arrangement that was offered by the hospital and we are allowed to bring him home until the cremation comes by to collect him. We spent the last night sleeping with his cold body. Our home was empty, with just tears and cries filling the house. It was such a difficult night for us.

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Close friends and families all turn up at the cremation and it was everyone's last goodbye to wangcai. It was never a goodbye to us, it was a see you at home at a much later time. Our house has since lost the vibrance, and I, especially lost the fighting spirit. I went into guilt mode, I started finding all the reasons for everything that went wrong, what should I and shouldn't have done. I wanted to stop JJ E-Homez because of guilt and just wanted everything to stop. But hub was pillar of my mental health and talked me out on how much our son would love to see me continue helping other animals in his name. I then went into deep research about IVDD, hub on the other hand trying to hold the fort so their love would not crumble. We buried ourselves into work.

I focused on bootstrapping JJ E-Homez and continued my pet nutrition studies and I also started to do home daycare and boarding for dogs whenever I could. Hub continues to focus on his emcee host and be a voice for the animal shelter when he can. Wangcai never left us, his spirit has accompanied and blessed us since then in everything we do.

Selling our flat...

Fast forward 7 months later, we had to do what we had to do to keep us afloat. The financial stress we have faced since COVID-19 on the down in the event scene, bootstrapping trying a new path due to COVID, all the treatments for our son, surgery, and all the after-math.. it was a huge hit and struggle for us as an average income family. Instead of asking for help from friends and family, our best capacity was our flat to go, for us to breathe again.

The born of JOOF...

At the same time, we also decided to evolve from JJ E-Homez to JOOF. JOOF was inspired by the word woof as the communication language of a dog. JOOF was born to remind us of Wangcai's last few noises that he was making but we couldn't find out what is he exactly trying to say, and it was also that voice that has been with us for 4yrs, speaking to us, wanting us to listen and asking us to find out what he wants us to know... Every bark, every noise, every expression, and every movement he makes, or rather every animal makes is always telling us something, from happiness to pain. So we wanted JOOF to be the alternative voice, aiding support for all the animals that crossed paths with us, by going into deep detective work together with the pet parents on why their animal is having certain symptoms and more, also for some conditions on how JOOF can aid in further support with our range of alternative natural products that assist and promote health on the whole well-being of an animal.

The adoption of BeanBean...

Since wangcai passed on 14th Dec 2022, we have been researching Frenchie genetics and getting in touch with Frenchie ethical breeders from Australia as we wish to have another furbaby in our life when we are ready for it. The void we felt was too strong, our love for Frenchie just overwhelmed us too much. Hub wants a furbaby soon. It was also by chance, that we have been seeing a lot of Frenchie adoption around, we applied for some however we didn't get any response. So we thought we might as well just wait for the ethical breeder side in mid-2024 for their litter.

Then one day we saw another adoption post that was by our friend who runs a shelter. We saw BeanBean and somehow there was a strong connection that led us to visit her the very next day at our friend's shelter. We stayed at the shelter for hours just to see how well we connected and to our surprise, she connected with us right away. BeanBean is an ex-breeding mom, very chilled with other dogs, gets curious about cats, very very sweet and gentle lady. And so we decided to adopt her. She also comes along with alot of her own conditions, but we love her at first sight, and love has covered all the flaws she comes with.

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But we did learn our lesson on the financial needs of such breeds, and now she has a savings account for herself, which we will contribute monthly for all her required expenses. We will also be looking at possible pet insurance for her, but due to her age it can be quite a challenge, but we see what we can do for her.

But no matter what, here she is, our newly adopted furbaby who is going to continue to give us life lessons and assist in leading JOOF on behalf of Wangcai.

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 WangCai Part 2_35

Thank you for reading,

With love from JOOF Holistic Pet family.

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