
JOOF Nutrition and Wellness Consult for Cats.

Hello, this is Judyvein, CPCN, BRNC. I'm a holistic Certified Professional Canine Nutritionist, and a Billinghurst Raw Nutrition Coach for cats and dogs. You can just call me Judy, the founder of JOOF Holistic Pet. I'm here to support and assist you in how you can apply alternative methods to optimize your pet's health, extend their lives (if possible), and improve their quality of life. Methods that harness and rally all the resources of the whole animal - the mind, body, and spirit, to encourage natural healing mechanisms. However, it's important to understand that no single approach, neither conventional, with its powerful drugs and sophisticated surgery nor alternative, with its less invasive, more natural "whole" body solutions, has all the answers.

My Goal

My highest goal is to help animals, so we should look at whatever we can to help them. I am a holistic-based nutritionist and I'm not a vet. I aim to work hand in hand on the dietary level with your conventional or holistic vets and also together with other pet professionals to allow you to make better decisions in bringing wellness to your pet.

"You are what you eat and digest. In the holistic space, we regard diet as the basis for health and treating any condition. It's the foundation on how animal wellness begins. In the words of Hippocrates uttered 2,500 years ago: "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food." 

I focus on a personalised ancestral whole food approach. And in this fresh food journey, don't worry about trying to learn it all at once. Good food takes time. Learning takes time. There is no one-sized fits all diet, feed the animal infront of you. Do the best you can with the best you have. And remember, supplements are not meant to replace good food. Improve the diet first. Then add the proper supplements to achieve optimum results.

Nutrition and Wellness Consult for Cats

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